A solitary Druid is simply a Druid who practices on their own. Many believe only a grove can make you a Druid through initiation into the practice. This simply isn’t so.  To become a druid simply follow the directions outline below;

o    1

Learn as much as you can about the ancient Druids. This ancient tradition originated in Europe during the Iron Age (dated the last few centuries B.C.E and earlier) and its adherents were suppressed by the Roman government. This means that little reliable factual information is left intact about this group, so it's a good idea to get a sense for what can and cannot be said with any accuracy before starting your own spiritual path in a tradition based on this history. Some good books include "The Druids: A History" by Ronald Hutton and "Who Were The Druids?" by A.P. Fitzpatrick.

o    2

Study the roots and current incarnations of the modern Druid movement. Since modern Druidism is largely a reconstruction based on a mixture of speculation, fact and newly-formed traditions, you will want to be able to make your own choices about what aspects of modern Druidism you wish to incorporate into your own personal practices. Start with some general references about the history of modern Druidism, like "Mysteries of Druidry" by Brendan Cathbad Myers, then look into individual, existing organizations like the Reformed Druids of North America or the Ár nDraíocht Féin (ADF).

o    3

Create and choose your personal belief system and daily practices. Choose ideas and practices that have resonated most deeply with you, including choices of deity, beliefs about the soul and reincarnation and practices such as rituals and meditation. Alternately, if you prefer a more externally structured education, your process of spiritual development can be based in a course of study and organized spiritual advancement through groups such as the RDNA or the ADF, or other, smaller groups (see Resources).

o    4

Get in touch with other practicing druids for group ceremonial practices if you can; should you be a solitary practitioner the Druidry Order of the Rose can provide you the community and support a local grove can. Group ceremonies, particularly during standard neopagan holidays (such as the solstices or Samhain) tend to be a popular part of modern Druidism, so if this is important to you, you'll need to connect with other Druids to make this happen.

o    5

Consider whether you want to do any traveling. If you want to connect physically with the roots of ancient or modern Druidism, there are a number of locations you may want to visit in person. Probably the most popular and powerful of these is Stonehenge in England, the ruins of a great stone monument built in ancient times. Though technically, this monument is currently thought to predate the Iron Age Druids, it is still considered by most neopagans to be a source of great spiritual power and has played an important role in the development of modern Druidism.

o    6

You can follow a path to priesthood with an established order (or simpply be a member), or start your own order with the Druidry Order of the Rose with a local grove. Like other neopagan pathss, Druidism is loosely structured with varying, newly-created traditions, and which priesthood preparations you choose to undergo is dependent upon which Druid groups, if any, you wish to have recognize your authority.


Your Druid or Grove or Magikal Name

Before you submit your details, You must choose your Grove name.

Becoming a member of the Druidry Order of the Rose is a life changing step into a new way of thinking, a new lifestyle and a new you.

Carefully choosing a Grove name is the first step into this lifestyle, and taking the time and effort to choose wisely at this crucial point will build a strong foundation for the future.

Your new Grove name is symbolic of you being "born" into a new life. It also helps you separate your old self from your newly chosen one.

Traditionally Paga practitioners of the Craft would choose for themselves a secret or Magikal name. This was different than their given birth name and used when they conducted Grove workings.

As a member of the Druidry Order of the Rose you can, if you wish, select a name that represents things that mean something special to you. Many Druids choosel names from nature – such as Willow, Amethyst or Star. Others use their favorite goddess as their magical name – for example: Tara, Isis or Artemis.

There are many reasons to select a particular name. Your Grove name could be one that is representative of something you hold sacred, something or someone who inspires you or something that is representative of who you really are.

If your given birth name is Alison, you could chose the name Alizon for a Grove name.

Take time to choose your Grove name. Give the same amount of thought, care and time you would to naming a baby or a pet. (If you can't choose a Grove name you can use your own first name if you wish to, but please try to adopt a name linked to Nature if you can, as Druidry is nature based).

Once you have chosen your Grove name, reply to this email and let the Mother Grove know and we will note this new name, bless it and refer in future to you with your new name.

Finding Your Grove Name

You can choose one, two or even three names eg Star, Moon Star or Moon Star Hawk.

Here are a few suggestions to where to find your Grove name.

There are lots of lovely names derived from plants or herbs. Here are just a few:

Althea, Dittany, Honeysuckle, Iris, Lavender, Rosemary, Rowan, Sage, Willow.

You could choose names from the natural environment:

Cloud, Forest, Moon, Mountain, Rain, Rainbow, River, Star, Storm, Wind.

Crystals and gemstones have beautiful names that you can choose your Grove name from:

Amber, Amethyst, Aqua, Carnelian, Diamond, Jet, Opal, Ruby, Topaz.

Animals, birds and insects make wonderful Grove names too:

Cat, Dragonfly, Eagle, Fox, Hawk, Raven, Robin, Spider, Swift, Wolf.

Goddesses are a rich source of Grove names:

Anu, Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, Brighid, Freya, Selene, Tara, Venus.

Finally you can choose qualities or aspirations for your Grove name.

Charity, Destiny, Faith, Grace, Harmony, Hope, Serenity, Unity.

Good luck with choosing your Grove name!

How to apply for membership:

Please enter your details in an email sent to druid1982@live.com to join the Druidry Order of the Rose. Include your email, Grove name and township, state or province, and country.  If accepted, membership is free.  Being a member means you agree to follow the following:

1. Approach nature with reverence and respect.
2. Always uphold the truth.
3. Walk the way of balance.
4. Preserve the harmony upon your actions.
5. Always abide to the laws of nature.
6. Use wisdom in service to the universe, not to promote selfishness.
7. Never profit from knowledge or the use of powers for the sole purpose of monetary riches.
8. Respect all others, even if their opinions are different.
9. Never break a sworn oath, lest you be forsworn.

IMPORTANT: Please be assured that your privacy and information will be respected and none of your details will be given to anyone.

NOTE: Submitting your details for application to the Druidry Order of the Rose does not guarantee that you will be accepted. You will be contacted shortly after submitting your details.


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